11/3/19 – Revived and Reforming

As we enter this month of stewardship and Thanksgiving, we recognize God’s great provision. The steward realizes that what he or she has has been provided out of God’s generosity. We are thus managing what we have been graciously given. It is an honor to be a good steward.

Jeremiah was given the word of God and he felt a great sense of responsibility to faithfully proclaim that word to his people. Sometimes the message was hard to hear. Other pastors wanted their messages to be pleasing and uplifting. Problem is, sometimes we need to hear the hard truth. This Sunday we balance the difference between the two and see which message helps us the most. Communion is served at 10:30 worship. Sunday School is at 9:15 for all ages. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Jeremiah 20:1-13, Colossians 3:1-10

READ the MESSAGE:  Revived and Reforming



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