11/29/20 – Why Did God Send Jesus? Advent One

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope that for you this is a day of exactly that. We are blessed by God even in times of trouble. It is certainly appropriate that the first Sunday of Advent occurs at the end of the week of Thanksgiving because Advent points us to anticipation of something good.

We ask the question this year, Why did God send Jesus? Have you ever wondered about that? If someone who did not know anything about Jesus would ask you that, what would you say? I encourage you to think about that this week, while you are being thankful.

This Sunday join us for adult Sunday School at 9:15. If you want to bring your children, they may join you in The Basics Class, held in the children’s wing. The Fellowship Hall class meets as well. Worship is at 10:30, in person and also live-streamed. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and I can’t wait to see you (or be seen by you!) on Sunday!

READ: 1 Corinthians 1:18-21 and 1 Corinthians 1:26-30

READ the MESSAGE:  Why Did God Send Jesus?


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