10/7/18 – World Communion Sunday!

When is the last time you have received a gift? How about the last time you gave a gift? When you purchased the gift was it a quick decision? Or, was it well thought out? It probably depended on the person and the occasion! 

This month we begin a new series with the prophet Malachi. If you check him out you will notice his is the last book of the Old Testament. Malachi wanted to inspire the people of God to rekindle their love for God. He tied his inspiration around gifts. This Sunday we celebrate the gift of Communion which we received from our Lord Jesus Christ, and because it is World Communion Sunday, people around the globe will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper continually. Join us at 10:30 for worship and 9:15 for Sunday School. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  Malachi 1 and Luke 12:31-34

READ the SERMON:  Rekindling Love for God


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