10/4/20 – God’s Blessing: Children

Join us for worship this Sunday, October 4, at 10:30 AM!

If you have not been worshiping with us in person, this Sunday would be a great week to come. It is World Communion Sunday. We celebrate together with individually packaged elements, celebrating the joining of a new church member, hear from our kids what they think marriage is, and hear a word from Pastor Ginger about the blessing of children. This is a continuation on her series on marriage called The Honeymoon is Not Over. For those who come in person, please wear a mask and social distance. Hand sanitizer and soap/water are available for your use. If you are unable to join us in person, worship with us online at www.fpcd.org/live-stream.

Adult Sunday School classes have resumed and meet at 9:15 AM. Nursery is available 9 AM – Noon. Classes for children and youth have not yet resumed.

READ: Ephesians 6:1-4 and Psalm 127:1-5

READ the MESSAGE:  God’s Best Blessing: Children


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