10/17/21 – A Friend Who Made a Difference

If you think of American television sitcoms during the 20th Century, you will certainly think of them in terms of friends and neighbors. Friends occupy a huge part of life. That was true in the Bible also. The Bible says, “A real friend sticks closer than a brother.” This week we talk about the significance of having a good friend. We talking about people who might feel insignificant in their own eyes, but in God’s eyes, they make a world of difference.

On Sunday after worship, join us for a potluck! Just bring a dish to share and we will enjoy lunch together. WEDNESDAY night, October 20, begins a 4-week Fall Bible study and dinner in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm. On Sunday morning at 9:15 Sunday School meets for all ages, followed by the worship service at 10:30. Remember, even God calls you “friend.” I can’t wait to see you–come make a new friend!

READ: 1 Samuel 20 and John 15:12-17

READ the SERMON:  A Friend Who Made a Difference



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