10/15/23 – A Conversation from the Heart

This Sunday, October 15th, join us at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages! The Worship service is immediately following at 10:30 AM. Don’t forget–we are also having potluck this Sunday, after Worship in the Fellowship Hall. This week, we will have a service focused on prayer, on the theme of confession.

Jeff Thorpe will be sharing a message titled “A Conversation from the Heart” based on 1 John 1:9. Jeff shares, “Every now and then we need to have a talk with God and confess the issues of our heart. God is the only one we can trust with our issues, and God knows how to guide us. Join us Sunday as we talk about Confession from the Heart.”

Coming up this month:
– On Wednesday, October 18, at 4:00 PM, you’re invited to participate in the Parking Lot Ministry.
– On Sunday, October 29, invite your friends and join us for our Fall Hymn Sing at 3:00 PM.


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