1/6/19 – 2019: A Year to Shift

This Sunday, January 6, we celebrate Epiphany, the arrival of the wise men to see Jesus. Ross will be preaching in the new year. Music will be lead by Brenda Everett and Nancy Bergman with accompaniment by Brittany Haywood. Chloe Bonner will be singing special music. The choir is getting a well-deserved rest. About the sermon, Ross writes:

“We live in troubling times. Upheaval and discord abound, and lawlessness is on the rise. But God is not done with America. I believe God is shifting His Church to align us with His purposes for this nation and the nations of the earth. In this year of 2019, let’s be sure to shift with Him!”

Join us for Sunday School at 9:15 AM and Worship at 10:30.

In preparation for the service READ: Ephesians 1:1-2 and Isaiah 2:2-4


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