1/21/18 – The Most Positive Final Word

Can you remember a time you went to the store and the clerk was so nice to you or to the person in line before you, that it made your day? You even went back to her line the next time to have that same pleasant experience again. What about that friend who never worries about you letting him down–he always sees you in a positive light. Isn’t that an unbelievable encouragement, even a breath of fresh air?

I hope that you see your faith in Jesus as a breath of fresh air. I hope that you return freely to ask Jesus every time you need forgiveness, because Jesus will always forgive you. John tells us that many people rejected Jesus and did not even care to recognize him. That’s a problem! But for the ones who believe, they have the power, the right to become God’s children. God does this for you! It’s all good! Come to worship at 10:30 and we will talk about it. It’s potluck Sunday, so bring a dish to share.

READ: John 1:10-13 and Psalm 146

READ the SERMON:  The Most Positive Final Word


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