08/27/23 – How Can I Serve?

Join us this Sunday, August 27th as we gather to worship and hear a word from the Lord proclaimed by Dr. Glenn Kreider from 1 Corinthians 12:1-14, titled “How Can I Serve?” 

The Choir is back this Sunday, too! We are so excited for the Music Ministry to kick off Choir, again! Want to sing for a short season? You are welcome to attend rehearsals Wednesday nights 7-8 pm in the Sanctuary or Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. 

Sandwiches are also due soon. Monday, August 28th have your sandwiches for Austin Street Shelter turned in at the church. 

Save the date! Youth Sunday, September 10th is our Back to School Bash immediately following the worship service. Hang back and let the youth ministry serve our young people with food and fun. 

Thank you all for supporting the church families, community, and various ministries of FPCD. 

See you Sunday!


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