07/30/23 – Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit

You’re invited to join us for Worship this Sunday, July 30! We welcome Guest Preacher Cheryl Herreid of Rejoice Lutheran Church of Coppell, as she preaches from Romans 8:26-32!

Cheryl has been active in various leadership roles within her home church for the last ten years. As their Vicar, she enjoyed discipleship development, leading worship, and social ministry while she completed her seminary studies at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. Prior to entering ministry as a vocation, Cheryl was an HR professional focused on leadership and organizational development. She has a passion for proclaiming God’s love for all extending beyond the four walls of the building and is particularly impressed with the ways First Presbyterian of Duncanville shares God’s love with Duncanville, staying active in the local community.

Cheryl and her husband have two daughters, Lara (28) and Emily (15). Lara lives in Fort Worth and the rest of the family resides in Coppell with their two dogs, Ellie and Pepper.

As always, we invite you to join us for Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 AM in the Education Building, followed by the Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30 AM. 

We hope to see you at church!


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