The law of the land. Social justice. Morality and ethics. Police. Supreme Court. Human rights. From what authority do these things derive? What’s the history of morality? The Bible speaks of judgment about lawlessness from the first family on: Cain’s punishment for murdering his brother; Sodom and Gomorrah; the flood. While other ancient moral contracts existed, when those empires crumbled, their code crumbled.
God’s commandments, however, are amazingly still here, and are the foundation of our own law. That has something to do with the fact that God is alive and still active in this world. God’s personality cannot be separated from the Ten Commandments. This Sunday we’ll talk about God’s resolve about how we are to treat one another. As we discovered last week, God’s will is full of love.
Join us – 10:30. Read Exodus 20:12-21 to prepare.
READ THE SERMON: You Expect Me to Love Who?
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