July 10, 2011 – Our Part in God’s Deal

Sermon begins at the 36 minute mark!

Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, classified people as either believers or non-believers. These two viewpoints are quite the opposite. And, they have existed since the beginning of recorded history – the spiritual worldview and the materialist; the skeptic versus those who seek God.


The Bible, of course, is filled with stories of people of faith. In fact, faith is expressed not in theory, but in lives. Faith is like a baton in a relay; as one person enthusiastically runs the race of following God, that energy and focused intent is passed to the next generation. We see wonderful examples of people running the race of faith at FPCD. Come listen to their stories as we talk about faith on Sunday.


READ: Romans 4, Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 15:1-6 and Genesis 17:11, 24

READ THE SERMON: Our Part in God’s Deal



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