January 23, 2011 – Called to the Adventure of a Lifetime!

To view the Audio or Video of the Sermon only please forward to the 36th minute and 37 second mark on your player.

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you experience the Holy Spirit? Have you ever sensed the presence of God where you knew God was right now, right there for you, as if you were the only person in the world? Have you ever had a circumstance where you reached out for God and depended on God as if He were your greatest resource? And you sensed that immediate presence, which is beyond description.

In Antioch, the believers sought God together. They were a diverse group – Jews, Greeks, and Romans – yet they were completely unified. I believe the Holy Spirit united them as they gathered together to worship God. And there, the Holy Spirit was immediately present, speaking to them, guiding them, and pointing them toward the future. How is the Holy Spirit present in believers’ lives? That’s the topic this Sunday. Do you want to experience the Holy Spirit? Come join us. It’s a great thing to do together!

To prepare read Acts 13:1-5 and 2 Kings 2:1-14

READ THE SERMON: Called to the Adventure of a Lifetime!


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