Join us as we walk with our Savior through this week of his suffering and resurrection.
PALM SUNDAY, March 25 – 10:30 a.m. Jesus’ Transfiguration. “Recognizing God’s Glory” Jeff Thorpe preaching.
MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 29, 7 p.m. Jesus’ Passover Supper Reinterpreted. Younger children participate in this service as we experience the Lord’s Supper through Seder Symbolism.
GOOD FRIDAY, March 30, 7 p.m. The choir sings selections from Handel’s Messiah as we “Behold the Lamb of God.”The older youth participate in this service led by Pastor Ginger.
SATURDAY PRAYER VIGIL, March 31, 6:00 a.m. to midnight in the sanctuary. You must sign up! Call or come by to pick your spot.
EASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE SERVICE, 7 a.m. on the patio. Jeff Thorpe & Ross Shipman preach, followed by breakfast, an Easter Egg hunt for children, and Sunday School at 9:30 Join us! EASTER SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 10:30 a.m., sanctuary. Pastor Ginger Hertenstein preaching. The choir sings selections from Handel’s Messiah.
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