FALL FEST – OCTOBER 23, 2010, 5-7p.m.

“Who’ll Be a Witness?”

spirituals concert and storytelling event

  • 5:00—CAKEWALK, games, bouncy castle for kids. FOOD and FUN for everyone. NO CHARGE

The FPCD CHOIR, directed by Andrew Dittman, sings spirituals about the challenges of life that come our way, and the hope that faith in God brings. A MEN’s QUARTET comprised of music students from North Texas University perform Chariot Medley; Steal Away; Jesus Met the Woman At the Well.

STORYTELLERS Lynn White and Jim and Janet Stahl tell Bible stories that speak to the marvelous adventure of encountering God unexpectedly in everyday life. J. Lynn White is a highly experienced professional biblical storyteller who co-founded Sacred Story Journeys. He and the Stahls have been deeply involved in the Network of Biblical Storytellers International and other storytelling organizations.


All ages welcome. Childcare for children three and under during concert


One response to “FALL FEST – OCTOBER 23, 2010, 5-7p.m.”

  1. Where is the video of this event?

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