This Sunday promises to be a special time for children as they enact the story of Jesus’ birth.  First St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, visits. He shares how loving Jesus changed his life. Before, his wealth created only emptiness. Then he decided to follow the way of Jesus and give his all to others. He’s an appropriate host to the greatest gift of all, God’s gift of sending Jesus.

The entire congregation participates in song with the children. Generation to generation the message is passed on with joy. Do you have a child or grandchild? BRING THEM SUNDAY! Or, just come yourself – and enjoy the joy!

Read John 1:14, 16

READ THE SERMON:  Reflections

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 pm – String quintet accompanies the choir. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE, 11:00 AM




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