April 24, 2011 – EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES, 6:30 am on the Patio and 10:30 am in the Sanctuary

The first believers were deeply hurt when Jesus was crucified. They were afraid, but something inside kept telling them to seek. They went to the tomb. They anticipated, but how hard it is when disappointment comes! Then Jesus showed up – resurrection! Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

At 6:30 am we will meet on the patio for a Sunrise Service. The disciples sought Jesus while it was still dark, anticipating that profound presence. We’ll do the same! Then we’ll eat pancakes and have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. At the 10:30 worship service the choir sings the Hallelujah Chorus. They sing it twice – the second time, 21st Century style, “Hallelujah Chorus, A Soulful Celebration.” It will be a wonderful. I hope you anticipate good things on EASTER and join us for one or both of these services. JESUS IS RISEN! HALLELUJAH!

READ THE SERMON: Being Spiritual Without Being Religious


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