7/2/17 – Have Confidence in Christ’s Return

If you could ask Jesus questions about your life on earth, what would you ask? What would give you the greatest confidence in your faith? Would you ask about why bad things happen to good people? Would you ask what you will be doing in ten years? What would you want to know? The Thessalonians asked Paul some questions about what happens in the end times. What happens to our loved ones who die? Paul said, “Jesus himself told me the answer.” That’s pretty amazing.

Sunday in worship we explore the answers to those questions. Paul’s answers are completely encouraging and entirely relevant to life in 2017, especially if you have lost someone near and dear to you. I hope you will join us. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. There’s something very special in store. You will have to be there to hear it! I can’t wait to see you.

READ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

READ the MESSAGE:  Have Confidence in Christ’s Return


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