As Christians, we often face the problem of having different views than our brothers and sisters in Christ. We struggle through differences in theological doctrine, political ideology, and ideas about how to do life. This Sunday’s liturgy is a prayer for these situations–times when things are overwhelming and we’re torn between our love for the person and the things we hold true. Is this something you need prayer for? Join us at 10:30 AM for our Worship Service or at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for All Ages.
Coming up soon:
This week, we’re going to have the carpet cleaned in the Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary, as well as in classrooms and the offices. Please come to the service prepared to help us stack chairs in the Sanctuary to make this process go as quickly as possible!
Choir is on break until September 4; the Summer Hymn Choir will rehearse July 24 and 31 and sing in church on August 4.
Pastor Rachael’s installation will be on July 21 at 4 PM; the service will be held at FPCD and there will be a reception to follow.
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