2/13/22 – When Your Faith is Not Enough!

When you think of who Jesus is, when you have a problem and you need help, do you think first about Jesus’ power? Do you think about Jesus praying for you? Do you think ‘this might be an easy problem for Jesus.‘ I would suspect that you might think of the problem, its gravity, its insolvability, its enormity. That’s human nature. That is also an approach that Jesus greatly encourages us to change.

This week during worship we discuss faith–and when it is not enough–and how we can change that. Join us at 10:30. To prepare, you can read the story of a man and his most distressing problem and how Jesus helped in the Scripture below. Sunday School is at 9:15 for all ages. We hope you will join us!

READ:  Mark 9:14-29 

READ the MESSAGE:  When Your Faith is Not Enough!



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