12/15/19 – Choir Concert, Madrigals for Christmas

This week we celebrate a “Madrigal for Christmas” with the FPCD choir. Madrigals are an ancient musical art (well, 400+ years ago). In our version,  music is juxtaposed with poetry or Scripture to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. This captures the emotion of the story– of a young mother giving birth in a stall; accompanied not by a physician in a hospital but surrounded only by Joseph, animals, brilliant star, and angelic choir announcing God-with-Us is born.

Mikhail McDaniels plays clarinet, with Dameron Growe on the piano. Join us for this special presentation at 10:30 in the worship service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:15. I can’t wait to see you!

Christmas Eve service at 6:00 p.m. on December 24 with the choir and harpist Carol West. 

READ: Jeremiah 31:15-25

READ the Meditation:  The Mighty God


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