11/24/2024 – “A Church, If You Can Keep It”

Join us at First Presbyterian Church Duncanville as Pastor Rachael continues the series One Kingdom Under God with a thought-provoking message titled “A Church, If You Can Keep It” from John 17:17-23. Together, we’ll explore Jesus’ prayer for unity and what it means to live as His Church in today’s world.

Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:15 AM, followed by our Worship Service at 10:30 AM. Whether you’re a longtime member or a first-time visitor, you’re welcome here! Let’s grow in faith and community together.

We’d love to see you Sunday! 🌟

-Bring your donations now for the Christmas Auction! The auction starts on December 1, so anything brought to the office by Nov 26 will make it online by then.
-If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone, please contact the church office.
-Advent begins next week! I’ve sent an email with those who will be helping on various dates, but Dub added this important note:
“I want to give some options to do this. Of course, you can have at least 3 team members do it. If you have a member of your group who wishes to have their family do the lighting, that is fine. You can also recruit people outside of your team to help you if you want. We have several youth who just concluded their confirmation class. You could ask them to participate. Look at this as your team is responsible to supply at least 3 people that includes at least one adult. You can decide who they are.”
I’ll be contacting the groups in the next few weeks to sort out the details.
-Sandwiches are due Monday, Nov 25 at 6:45 PM.
-Hanging of the Greens is Tuesday, Nov 26 at 10 AM but feel free to arrive early!
-Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, Nov 27 at 7 PM.
-The office is closed on Thursday, Nov 28 for Thanksgiving.


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