11/21/21 – Going Home to Hope

Thanksgiving week has arrived! What are you thankful for? Sunday we celebrate at FPCD with dinner at 6:00 p.m. How great to be able to gather together for this meal! You can still sign up Sunday morning. Please bring a dish to share that serves 12. Turkey will be provided.

Our theme for Advent this year is “Coming Home.” We begin the story one week early with the backstory of Jesus’ family. You might be surprised to know that is the Book of Ruth. Come hear Pastor Ginger as she tells the story this Sunday! It is a wonderful story of God’s kindness and goodness toward us. Worship is at 10:30, with Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages.

Sunday worship marks the final week for Stewardship Commitment. If you have not completed your commitment card, there will be a time for you to offer it during worship. This is your pledge to the Lord and its content will be kept confidential. Cards will be available if you need them. Let us commit ourselves to each other as we gather together to Worship God and count our blessings!

READ: Ruth’s Story

READ the MESSAGE:  Going Home to Hope



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