10/29/17 – Reformation Day!

The new king of Babylon, Balshazzar, did not believe God would act. He had not accepted the testimony of his father, Nebuchadnezzar. Was he in for a sudden surprise! The FPCD YOUTH enact the story on Sunday. They lead the music. Our youth take an active part in worship because they are the future of the church. As we come alongside them, faith is built in both generations. Are you sharing your talents with someone of the next generation?

Sunday is also the  500th anniversary of the Reformation. Martin Luther did not expect such a sudden outcome, but God was at work preparing for the spread of the Word into the new world. That Word spread generation to generation then, and spreads that way today. Join in the effort! Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages, and Worship at 10:30.

READ:  Daniel 5

READ the Message:  The Handwriting on the Wall


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