This Sunday at First Presbyterian Church Duncanville, we begin a new sermon series titled “Grace in Action” with a message called “Homemaker”. Jeff Thorpe will be filling in for Pastor Rachael. The message, drawn from Genesis 1, will focus on God as our homemaker and creator, showing how God has lovingly crafted the world and our lives with intention and care. Come reflect on the beauty of creation and the ways God continues to shape and nurture us. Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:15 AM, followed by the Worship Service at 10:30 AM. We hope to see you there for this meaningful message!
- The service for Scott Hartless will be tomorrow, Monday, October 7 at 9 AM at FPCD, followed by a graveside service, and a luncheon back at FPCD.
- The women’s fellowship will meet on Tuesday, October 8 at 7 PM. Contact Sharon for more details.
- Choir will not meet this Wednesday, October 9.
- The Practicing the Way study continues this Thursday, October 10 from 6-8 PM and will run through October 17. Dinner is provided.
- Confirmation Class continues next week, October 13. We’ll also share communion. Next Sunday is our youth Sunday, so if your child is interested in participating, please contact Katherine!
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