1/5/20 – Sing! See! Come! Hear!

Happy New Year! I hope you have enjoyed your Christmas and New Year celebrations with your loved ones. This Sunday, January 5, join us for our first worship service of the year! Come and hear a message from Rev. Craig Krueger, the Director of Ministry Transitions at Grace Presbytery. He will be preaching from Jeremiah 31:7-14, a message called “Sing! See! Come! Hear!” I encourage you to COME on Sunday, SING Praises to the Lord, and HEAR the message. I can’t wait to SEE you then!

As usual, we will have Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30.

To Prepare for the Service, READ: Ephesians 1:3-14 and Jeremiah 31:7-14



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