02-02-2025 – “Living in the Shadow of the Empire”

This Sunday, we continue our Revelation series with Living in the Shadow of the Empire from Revelation 13:1-10. The world is filled with powers and systems that demand our allegiance—but how do we remain faithful to Christ above all? Revelation challenges us to recognize and resist modern-day “beasts” that seek to shape our identity and loyalty. Join us as we explore what it means to stand apart, trust in God’s kingdom, and live with bold faith. Worship with us and be encouraged to follow the Lamb in a world of competing voices. We’ll see you Sunday at 10:30 AM!

Annual reports are due to Katherine by Friday, January 31.
The Men’s Fellowship is this Saturday, February 1 at 9 AM.
Mark your calendars! The Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, February 16.


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