Our Choir
The choir, directed by Andrew Dittman, sings a large variety of music, from classical, historical church anthems, to contemporary Christian praise music. Our vision is to bridge the gap between our historic Christian roots to present-day contemporary expressions of worship. You will notice our services are holistic, with the choir taking a major role in preparing our hearts for worship, and helping us focus on the theme for the day through the music. In this way, the FPCD choir members are ministers as they direct us to worship God.
If you would like to be a part of the choir, you can stop in for rehearsal in the sanctuary on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM. Don’t feel that you must make a permanent commitment, just try it out for a few weeks.
Join us for a STORYTELLING & SPIRITUALS concert. Events begin with games and activities for children and light snacks, followed by this FALL FEST in the sanctuary at 6 PM. The choir, joined by a Men’s Quartet from UNT, will perform spirituals, while storytellers Lynn White, Janet Stahl, and Jim Stahl bring us three stories of people in the Bible unexpectedly encountering God as they went about their day.
Songs and Hymns
Our worship service combines contemporary Christian songs and hymns of the faith. Occasionally we dedicate the entire time of worship to praising God through music. What songs stir your spirit so that you can rejoice or meditate on the majesty and wonder of Jesus Christ? Let us know!
Prayer is, quite simply, dialogue with God. Just like raising a child cannot be accomplished simply by reading a book about child rearing, so faith must be more than just reading about God in the Bible. We learn to relate to God personally in prayer. That begins in worship as we pray corporately to reflect that we are a community of believers in Jesus Christ, seeking to connect with Him. We express prayer in worship, and we have a monthly prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, from 6:30-7:15 pm in the sanctuary.
We also have a prayer chain by calling 972 298-3043 (the church office), or e-mailing info@fpcd.org, or putting in a prayer request by clicking the “prayer tab” on this web site.
God seeks those who pray. Talk to God! God is listening.
The Bible is the written record of God’s story. As the Creator of the world, God loves humans. But humans have not always returned God’s love. The reason for that is that we have been deceived into questioning God’s goodness, God’s love, and God’s ultimate plan for humanity. Frankly, that’s called unbelief and sin, but despite all that, God set a plan in motion to rescue us from sin, darkness, and death.
In addition, the Bible speaks to everyday life. God has something to say to you! If you would like to read God’s Word, you can sign up through the PC(USA) web site to receive daily readings (called the lectionary) by e-mail. As you read these passages each day, they will guide you into a deeper knowledge of the stories of the Bible.
The Daily Lectionary is a free service. To learn more, visit
The message
You can find sermon previews on the Friday before each Sunday to help you prepare for the message. After the service, the text itself is posted so that you can download it. It’s just that easy, especially if you register and subscribe to email updates.
On the first Sunday of every month our congregation shares Communion. When we participate in this simple act of eating bread and drinking grape juice together, we experience the very presence of our Lord through the Holy Spirit. Remembering the commitment and sacrifice of Jesus Christ strengthens and nurtures our faith. Communion is also a reminder of His promise that one day we will sit down with Him and eat together in the Kingdom of God.