August 9, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Jim Witherow
Book: Luke
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August 2, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Acts
Sometimes God does something wonderful, even in terrible times. For Peter and the disciples who now had a new mission, life got tough. Great opposition to their message was a regular occurrence.
July 25, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
God blesses us because God honors us with the power of His name. God blesses us because we are His and we believe in Jesus. Therefore, we reach out to others with that blessing in our hands. What a blessing to be a blessing!
July 18, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Mark
How do we manage to love God wholeheartedly? It all begins with a command: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.”
July 11, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Capt. Ron Pettigrew
Book: Acts
This Sunday, we invite you to join us to hear a message from special guest speaker, Capt. Ron Pettigrew. He is a career military officer, chaplain, educator, and brother to Candice and Gary Morris.
July 4, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Hebrews
Our nation was established with these words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” ~ Declaration of Independence.
June 27, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Acts
Sunday we look at the subject matter through the lives of two men, both with varying forms of morality. One is Ananias, the other is Saul, who became Paul. As their lives converge in Damascus, their morality sharpens. They become better men. How do they do it? Join us Sunday morning for the discussion.
June 20, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Jeff Thorpe
Book: Acts
As a father, it is easy for us to love the ones inside our house, but what about those outside of the household? On Father’s Day we talk about how the father loves his wife, kids, and parents, but what about the step child, a kid who lives down the street, or the one needing a father figure?
June 13, 2021
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Acts
Philip, who was a deacon in the very first church, experienced the Spirit big time as he was led here and there to share the good news with all kinds of people. This week he is sent to an important dignitary from a foreign country. It was a chance meeting–or was it?