The Slave Girl, the Warrior, and the Prophet

September 4, 2022

Book: 2 Kings

If you examined the tenets of Christianity, what is one of the great acts of God? There are many, of course, but God uses this term for self-definition:  “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6). Scripture says God’s mercy goes on and on, to the day of redemption. The expectation is that we, too, must extend mercy. Mercy helps those whose faith is wavering. With God mercy functions to call someone to a wholesome standard and ultimately, to God.


This Sunday during worship at 10:30, we talk about a young servant girl captured by a foreign nation, her master, commander of the foreign nation’s army, and the prophet Elisha of Israel. Their lives came together around a serious problem. Come see how mercy fits in!


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