November 12, 2023
Series: Guest Speakers
Mark Bransom joins us a guest speaker sharing from John 4:4-14. He encourages us to… read more
August 16, 2020
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Willie Peterson
Topic: Loving Others
This Sunday, join us as Dr. Willie shares the third message in his series on Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes and loving people as Jesus did.
August 9, 2020
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Willie Peterson
Topic: Loving Others
Hear a message from Rev. Dr. Willie Peterson on John 4:3-29, the Samaritan Housewife who Met Jesus at a Well
August 2, 2020
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Willie Peterson
Topic: Loving Others
Join us in welcoming Rev. Dr. Willie Peterson as our guest preacher. He will be sharing a series of messages on resisting cultural values to reach lost people with the Good News. In other words, “seeing all people through Jesus’ eyes.” Jesus never overlooks anyone.
October 22, 2017
Sunday we welcome guest preacher PASTOR ROY WATSON, who comes to us with a message… read more