Who is Jesus?

January 15, 2023

Book: Colossians

Dolly Parton sings a song with Zach Williams called “There was Jesus.” It’s sort of a sad song because they are singing about life’s hardships; when friends are nowhere to be found; in the waiting and the searching times. But it’s also a hopeful song when blessings show up to heal all those hard places. And the chorus tells us in all those times, no matter what: There was Jesus. Every minute. Every moment. Even when I didn’t know it or couldn’t see it.


But, who is Jesus? Many people are confused about that. Is Jesus fully human? Or is Jesus fully divine? How do we determine the answer? That will be the topic of the message during Sunday morning worship at 10:30. During worship we install Lori Glover as an elder. Come and support her in this new assignment! Sunday School for all ages is at 9:15 and classes have coffee and donuts! Come learn about Christ; enjoy fellowship; pray and be prayed for; worship the Lord! I can’t wait to see you!


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