The Preparation: Accepting Grace & Truth

January 14, 2018

Series: John

Book: John

Scripture: John 1:6-9, 14-18

There’s been a television show called Saving Grace. And another one was called Truth or Consequences. Truth and Grace: we often seem to operate more on one side or the other.  We rarely see those two words together.


John, the writer of the fourth gospel, began by describing Jesus as “the light coming into the world.” Now John adds, “This one, who brings light to everyone is full of grace and truth.” This is so definitive of Jesus that John says it twice. What an intriguing descriptive. We will talk about grace and truth in worship on Sunday at 10:30. And at 9:15 there’s Sunday School for all ages to freely discuss thoughts and questions about Christianity. Immediately after worship is a CONGREGATION MEETING to elect new deacons.  I’m looking forward to Sunday! I’m looking forward to seeing you there!


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