The God Who Can Be Seen

January 30, 2022

Book: Exodus, Mark

Characters in the Old Testament often longed to see God but when they found themselves confronted with the presence of God (like Isaiah); or being confronted with winds, storms, and the like (Elijah); or being hidden in the cleft of a rock (Moses), they were often overwhelmed. It was a known fact that to see the face of God meant certain death to humans.


So God set his mind to change all that! But when you are raised in a faith where God is unseen, it takes a little effort to know that the One you see, the One you follow, a.k.a. Jesus, is truly God. Part of being a disciple is learning the vast power of our Savior, who is truly God. Join us for the Worship Service at 10:30 for this conversation. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15. I can’t wait to see you!


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