Grand Storytelling: The Story of Jacob

June 26, 2016

Book: Genesis

Bible Text: Genesis 25:24-34, 27, 28:10-22, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35



Gen. 25:24-34 “Selling of the Birthright” – Jason Cordova
Gen. 27 “Jacob Steals the Blessing” – Janet Stahl
Gen. 28:10-22 “Stairway to Heaven” – Dub Guthrie
Gen. 29, excerpts “Love & Marriage” – Deborah Titus
Gen. 30 “Jacob’s Bargain with Laban” – Jim Stahl
Gen. 32 “Wrestling with God” – Ross Shipman
Gen. 33 “Jacob & Esau Reconcile” – Adelmo Ruiz
Gen. 35, excerpts “God Renews the Covenant” – Joan Brown


At First Presbyterian we often tell the Bible story rather than read it. We find that it comes alive. Recently we held a Storytelling Workshop with Jim and Janet Stahl. Sunday numerous tellers, from youth to adults, share the story of JACOB. Music will enhance and illustrate each story of Jacob’s life.

We also WELCOME our new staff, Summer Youth Director Intern Ross Shipman and Administrative Assistant Jennifer Johnson. Join the reception in Fellowship Hall after worship. It’s an exciting morning. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15. Worship at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!

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