November 15, 2020
Series: Hezekiah the Reformer
Speaker: Rev. Jim Witherow
Topic: Worship
I’ll bet that caught your attention!
November 9, 2020
Series: Hezekiah the Reformer
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Topic: Worship
Imagine if Duncanville is cut in half and those on one side cannot attend worship anymore. What if, as a result, the church can’t afford to stay open. But then you have a leader who loves God and believes church worship is the very thing that will bring divided people together again, and he works to that end. That’s the story of King Hezekiah.
November 3, 2020
Series: Hezekiah the Reformer
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Topic: Worship
Imagine such a headline on the front page of the Dallas Morning News. Substitute the word “Hezekiah” with the Dallas mayor’s name and the word “Nation” with City. What would you think?
June 30, 2019
King David in the Scriptures was not always so ‘kingly.’ He became quite undignified from… read more
November 18, 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 96 and Luke 19:36-40 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein | Series:… read more
November 11, 2018
Bible Text: Job 1, Job 2, Romans 8:17-23 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein |… read more
November 4, 2018
Bible Text: 2 Chronicles 29:28-36, Romans 14:6-9, 11-12 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein |… read more