July 26, 2020
Series: The Importance of the Tabernacle
Speaker: Jeff Thorpe
We are on the topic: Why is the Tabernacle so important? Last week we discussed God’s presence in Christ. We discovered Christ is the light and He lights up the path to God. The question is where do we fit in this equation?
July 19, 2020
Series: The Importance of the Tabernacle
Speaker: Jeff Thorpe
Last week we looked at Gods presence in the Tabernacle and discover we serve a God who always wants to be in the company of His people, but how does this relate to Christ? Join us Sunday as we talk about God’s presence in Christ.
July 12, 2020
Series: The Importance of the Tabernacle
Speaker: Jeff Thorpe
As Ginger has been preaching about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, right by his side was Ezra rebuilding the temple church, or in earlier days called the Tabernacle. The walls of Jerusalem meant security but the church was a representation of God’s Holy presence. Pastor Ginger has allowed me to do a three-part series on the importance of the Tabernacle.