September 5, 2021
Series: Having the Eyes of Habakkuk
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Habakkuk, Philippians
Does the testimony of other people’s lives encourage you? Has a friend told you about something that happened to them and how it changed them? What if they have experienced a particular problem or concern that you identify with and faith helped. Does hearing their story give you encouragement? Most of us would say, “Yes! Definitely!”
August 29, 2021
Series: Having the Eyes of Habakkuk
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Habakkuk
King David writes, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life.” Do you believe that? It is a fact of Scripture which is repeated again and again. What about today, though? Are those ancient words relevant? If so, how might we experience them?
August 22, 2021
Series: Having the Eyes of Habakkuk
Does the title above seem odd? Can you think of a time when we are told to pray against evil in the New Testament?
August 15, 2021
Series: Having the Eyes of Habakkuk
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein Conley
Book: Habakkuk
This week begins a four-week series on the prophet Habakkuk. Habakkuk’s nation was struggling with threats and division. The socio-political pressure was so great that it caused Habakkuk to say, “Where are you God? When are you going to do something about this?” Do you seek the Lord in our own troubling times?