Everything going on in our world today has caused me to pause and think a lot about our need ‘to be in constant relationship with God, being intentional about getting to know Him better and walking with Him, not just when it’s convenient or we have a specific need we want Him to come through for, but every day, by reading His Word and through prayer. It has been neat working in the office getting to support various groups as they begin ministries that work towards this very thing –better relationship and connection with God.
This past Spring, our Session of elders began spearheading a Prayer Initiative for all of Duncanville to help our community learn about prayer, bringing them closer to each other and to God. Together with four other churches, we have put together a Prayer Booklet, launched a website, and plan to do a devotional series on prayer in the Fall for the city of Duncanville. Let’s encourage Duncanville to be a city that prays! an you imagine what would happen if all of Duncanville knew Jesus and shared Jesus with everyone they knew? For more information on the Prayer Initiative, check out our New Website! You can also find us on Facebook.
Separately from the elders, the deacons began a new outreach in our parking lot, specifically to encourage the families who use the lot in the afternoons to pick up their children from school. As part of this ministry, they decided to hang a mailbox at one of the visitor spots so anyone could drop by and drop off a prayer request and we could know how better to pray not just for our community as a whole but the individual needs within it. They purchased two boxes, one to hold pen and paper for writing the prayer requests, and the other to accept the requests. The boxes have been painted and and are being put to use! See our page about the Parking Lot Prayer Ministry.